Just last month Dr. Dockery and I were chatting about a crusty old Orson Welles flick called Journey into Fear, and admiring the man's monstrous furlined icebucket headgear. This morning I caught it on Turner Classic Movies on demand, but fell asleep halfway through it in an uncharacteristic afternoon nap, which funnily enough, is the same thing that happened to Todd when he last tried to watch it. I got to see the hat and take a pic of it, though, and that's good enough for me.
- - JSH
nice tv
The odd thing is I tried to watch Journey Into Fear AGAIN, just last night, and once again drifted off into slumber...
I haven't tried to watch Journey into Fear yet.
I do, however, wear cossack hats, but I don't have one that nice.
I am currently eating crawfish.
I'll keep the comment party going. I did finally watch Journey Into Fear in its entirety. It's a good romp.
Orson Welles was a mighty man in 1938, cleverly disguising the truth about aliens in a non-fiction radio program disguised as fiction which the rubes took as fact, disguised as non-fiction (fictional) facts. I have too much facts. That's dialectic physics.
I have The Third Man and The Stranger on dvd, but I haven't watched them yet.
I own the Third Man paperback screenplay, but I haven't read it yet.
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