Thursday, January 8, 2009

Man's Best Friend

A dog may be man's best friend, but give me a hip flask any day. There are days when I forget to bring my cellphone out with me, days when I forget my business cards or laptop or day planner, but I never forget to bring ye olde hip flask.

Whether you're at a tractor pull or the Opera, a man's flask brings him warmth and succor and companionship when he's surrounded by idiots or faced with the prospect of being forced to endure an event he'd rather not be attending. A man's flask offers him an alternative to overpriced, watered-down, improperly-made drinks in establishments that may or may not be named after a late 19th century British author noted for his adventure stories.

Mine is usually filled with caipirinha or just straight-up bourbon. I got mine at the great J. Shepherd cigar boutique, 1429 Bardstown Road in Louisville and recommend you do the same.

- - JSH

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm never in Louisville.