The astute researcher will note considerable variance in the latest pack of matches obtained from Seviche and an earlier one obtained in 2007 and recently recovered from the pocket of an old coat unearthed from storage. All you devoted obsessives of wooden matches, take notes, because there's going to be a quiz next period.
The fundamental differences along the sides of the matchboxes (not shown) are that different phone numbers are given, and that the current specimen was manufactured by a different company (Atlas Match Co.) than the earlier example. The new box (bottom in illustation) is thinner but longer, and contains two rows of large-headed matches, as opposed to the more classic box (top in illustration) which contained three rows of more petite, small-headed matches.
The most notable differences are that the word "bistro" has now modified to "restaurant", and the graphic in general seems "zoomed back" somewhat, making the logo smaller but all showing more of the background patterns, and in bolder colors.
Put to an unscientific vote, aesthetically, our staff tends to prefer the earlier pack's look, but it is also generally agreed that the current matches themselves are of a slightly superior quality than before.
- - JSH
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